Professional Canine Reproductive Services for the Wise County Area

In every case we see, dogs will receive a pre-procedural screening and physical examination to make sure they are healthy and fit to breed. Females will undergo a series of hormone tests and ultrasound observations to determine where a mother-to-be is in her cycle and to find the best time to breed. For a how-to guide for determining if your female dog is in heat, please contact our office. Male dogs undergoing reproductive services receive physical exams to ensure ideal conditions for semen collection, after which we can evaluate samples on site.
We offer our clients a couple of options when it comes to handling semen samples in the breeding process, and we can either use fresh semen collected at our facility or frozen samples shipped from other locations. Further, should a client want breeding or evaluations done elsewhere, we also have the ability to ship fresh, chilled semen across the United States. Should you want to store frozen samples in our lab for later use, we offer this option as well.